Winter Weather Procedures
In most cases, the decision USD 365 will be faced with will be to either close school for a day or decide that conditions allow for school to be in session. However, occasionally the district may choose to delay the start of the school day by two hours.
What is the procedure for determining to close school due to inclement weather? School board policy GG: School may be dismissed at the Superintendent’s discretion when the wind chill factor is -30 degrees or in other unusual conditions or circumstances.
Will there be athletic practice during a snow day? When school is closed due to a snow day, all athletic practices will be canceled for the day.
We post messaging about delays and/or closures to:
If the weather is poor, allow extra time to get where you need to be and make sure you have prepared your children with warm coats, boots, hats and gloves. To prepare for delays and closures, please make sure you have a care plan in place for your children should you need to report to your employment. It’s also time to be prepared for winter driving.
Two Hour Delay Information
USD 365 has an option for inclement weather days: school cancelation or two-hour delayed start. The two-hour delayed start may be used when temporary adverse weather conditions exists, including extreme wind-chill conditions or unfavorable road conditions. Two-hour delayed starts maximize instructional time with students rather than closing for the entire day.
In the event of a two-hour delayed start, all school start times will be delayed by two hours. All morning bus pick-up times will also be delayed by two hours. Schools will end their day at the regular time and after-school bus routes will operate on their normal schedule.
Important Information for a Two-Hour Delayed Start
Two-Hour Delayed Start FAQs