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ESOL/ELL Information and Resources




ESOL/ELL Information and Process:

Welcome to English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and Title III. ESOL services are made available to students who have a first language that is not English or have a language other than English in the home. Under the No Child Left Behind Act, Title III provides funding to support services designed to enhance English language learners’ fluency in English and immigrant students’ understanding of American culture.


The ESOL/Bilingual state funding program is designed to help offset the cost Kansas school districts incur in their efforts to educate limited English proficient students. ESOL services should provide students with the academic and social language they need to succeed in their educational pursuits.


ESOL services may be delivered in conjunction with other State or Federal programs, i.e. Title I, At-Risk, or social services such as the Migrant Health Program or community programs.


Providing ESL services to ELL students is a detailed and multi-step process. Below you will find the documents and steps needed to provide these services to the ELL students in USD 365. Your first step should be printing the Step-By-Step Guide to the process at USD 365. This document will explain each step and how to use and access all the other forms that follow on this page.


For questions about this process or this page please contact the curriculum director or your building principal.


USD 365 Step-By-Step Guide to ELL Students – this is a step-by-step guide to implementing the ESOL program in your school building and with your new student.


Step #1: Home Language Survey – The attached survey should be given to any new student to USD 365


Step #2: KELPA Screener – The KELPA screener assessment Is located and administered through the KITE state assessment platform. The KELPA Screener consists of one brief practice session (3–5 simplified items) followed by three sequential sessions containing two or three domains. At the end of Sessions 1 and 2, Student Portal displays an English proficiency determination of Proficient (prompts the student to advance to the next session) or Not Proficient (displays a message that they are finished with the screener). Reports are available in the Educator Portal under the REPORTS menu for students scoring Not Proficient on Session 1 or 2 shortly after completion. After completing educator scoring, reports for Session 3 will be available under the REPORTS menu and will display the Proficient or Not Proficient determination. Testing Time KELPA Screener assessments are untimed, and students should be given as much time as necessary to complete the assessment.

  • Link to the KAP KELPA resources – You will find the KELPA Screener Administration Manual at this link


Step #3: Parent Notification letters


Step #4: Individual Learning Plans


Step #5: Monitoring and Revisiting Forms


ESOL/ELL Information & Resources